2.10 – Curtain Up

Comic book!!! A black dude and a lesbian teaming up to save the world! FTW :)

Hmm…Sophie. Yes Vivian, coming out was the right thing to do back when ASTER told you to do it!

Aww Archibald!!! I miss @joshuajholland when he’s not around.

Shake the phone tree! You never know who’ll come to your rescue.

Now that @HipFlor has a new phone I wonder if Viv gets an upgrade too. Hilarity would most certainly ensue. That’s a whole ep on its own.

“What would I do without you?” “No chance you’ll ever need to know.” Uh oh. Is that the equivalent to, ‘I’ll be right back’ in horror movies?

Wow. Aster. If she walked through the halls looking like that when I was in school no way I would’ve gotten anything done.

“And I ask where did she come from?” The answer to that Sterns would be the place where are dreams are made of.

“She is truly fine.” Understatement of the year perhaps?

I’ll say this for Sterns, he doesn’t give up easily. He’s certainly taking it well. Poor poor boy. Not a chance mate lol.

Oh Elisabeth you really need to learn to chill out.

Um I wouldn’t do that. Oh boy, Archie is not a fan of the drug taking. Aww he looks so disappointed.

Ahh…prozac. Okay I get it, someone needs to tell Archie.

No Aster you had it right first time, Viv is so damn cute.

VivSter! I love every time you are on the screen together. So unbelievably adorable.

I wanna see a pic of Baby Glass!

LMFAO Aster has my phone! I have a blackberry in the exact same case!!!

Aww yes! Baby VivSter :) That kid would be one serious geek with these two as folks. Also, completely awesome.

Viv and Aster to the rescue!

Oh boy. Of all the lines to have to read. This can only end badly.

Hey! Those kind of suggestions are NOT helpful!

Jonathan you’re an idiot.

Aster! Oh man that isn’t helpful either. I feel a knot in my stomach.


OMG Vivian you didn’t just LEAN IN to the kiss?!?!?


Oh bugger. Someone’s about to get their ass kicked.

‘Nice.’ Aster said that word the exact same way in S1.8. It is never a good sign.

I feel sick too :(.

Vivian, again I love you – always. But you my dear, are a bloody idiot!!!

Not Arch and Elisabeth too. I can’t take much more!

Um why is she going after Aster? WTH are you Vivian?!?! That’s your girl – go get her!

Holy f*ck Aster! NOOOO!!! What the heck are you doing?!?! Car crash. Complete and utter wreck.

WTH? Can I hear belts being unbuckled? Damn girls you’re fast!

Oh. Sh*t.

For a moment I see remorse, and then there’s Aster’s damn stubbornness.

Yup, buttons being done up. These girls were going for it.

Vivian you’re breaking my heart. Don’t cry :(

WTF?!?!? YOU CAN’T END IT THERE!!! DAMN YOU @susanmillernyc & @tcwnyc! DAMN YOU!!!

I think my heart’s broken :(.