3.1 – Stick Figures

OMG it’s starting!!! Junior year…okay that means the summer’s passed. Vivian does not look happy. Uh oh :(.

Lol damn Viv. Okay, drawing…not your super power.

You didn’t have to say they were awful Aunt Jodie. Aww, everyone needs an Aunt Jodie in their corner.

Um…let Sterns draw the comic? Have I missed something here? Where’s Arch?

Everyone definitely needs an Aunt Jodie. ‘Clear the path and let it come through.’ I should write that down.

Vivian’s still using the bag! What brand of bag would that be @susanmillernyc?

You know Viv there’s an app you can use to turn photos into comic strips. You have friends. Make them be in it.

Really?!?! Do we need to see the carwreck that VivSter was involved in again??? That’s just evil @tcwnyc @susanmillernyc! Evil!

“Comments. Preferably ones that start with ‘amazing.’” Nice Vivian. Nice.

Obviously Elisabeth’s not talking about drawing skills.

“My fists have no fingers.” Favourite line of Season 3 so far!

Hmm yeah…Sterns’ drawing is better than Viv’s (not saying much), but where’s Archibald???

I agree though. Vivian should’ve knocked Jamie the heck out!

Okay so we’re not pretending Arch doesn’t exist but calling him “The Ex” and not having him around to draw does not look good.

Speak of the devil, and she shall appear. Boo! Hiss! *Other theatrical noises for when the bad guy comes on!*

Uh oh Vivan’s doing that evil glare thing. She looks scary.

“Sophie said that you two…” Hold up inappropriate kissing girl. Sophie said that Vivian and her had what now? Rewind please.

What the heck played out afterwards?!?! What happened during the summer?!?! Answer my questions people!

Jonathan is becoming more of a wanker with each episode.

There’s a lot more cursing in this episode than usual. People are upset.

Uh oh I think Soph has had some drama with her mystery man.

And of course there comes Aster right when Vivian’s holding Sophie’s hand! Fan-fricking-tastic!

Speaking of fans…I spy @McKenzieLyn in her cameo!

Yes Vivian get up! Get up and go after your girl!!!

And there are those damn credits again! Wishing away the next 2wks of my life so the next ep would be here already!