gemified | December 7th, 2010 - 12:00 am

Falling Fast for All Things ABM

By Gemma Jacob

I didn’t know much about Julie Long when I decided to interview her for our Fan Focus feature; all I knew was that she loved her ABM. Really, what else does anyone need to know? There was something about her though that made me think that this girl is serious about her ABM and seemed sort of awesome. I was right.

Julie currently resides in South Carolina where she’s a Psychology major and stepmom to her partner’s daughter. If this wasn’t enough, she also makes her living working with autistic children.  All of this and she’s all of 21yrs old. Told you she was awesome.

She may not be the most active Tweeter and she may have only recently begun to watch the goodness that is ABM but she has given the subject matter some serious thought. It was an absolute pleasure talking to her about all things ABM, and that’s not just because we’re on the same team. It only goes to show how even in a short time ABM can grab hold of you. She’s no fool. She knows she wants her ABM.

ABMFans: Have you gotten your friends to watch ABM? Or did your friends introduce you to the show?

Julie: I’ve mentioned the show to a few of my lesbian/bi friends. I know my best friend watched the first episode a few weeks ago, so we’ll have to see if it catches on with her (how could it not?!?!?). And I found out about the show from an internet friend who is a fellow Otalia fan.

ABMFans: So she just told you to watch it?

Julie: No, she actually posted a YouTube video of it. And whenever I see to hot girls kissing, I’m like, “Wassup?” Gotta find out what this is about!

ABMFans: Fair enough. Which season was that?

Julie: It was a mix of the seasons, one of those montages on YouTube of various scenes.

ABMFans: When did you start watching? This summer?

Julie: Yep, right at the end of the summer. I checked out the first episode and was done for. The next day, I was done with both seasons. I had fallen in love.

ABMFans: So you haven’t experienced the pain of ABM withdrawal between episodes yet? It’s painful, how are you coping without it so far?

Julie: Things are not so good… For coping, I’ve been watching and re-watching the ‘Make a Name for Me and You’ vid. How cute is that?!? Nicole is so cute.

ABMFans: That video breaks my heart. The way they look at each other at the end. Nicole/Aster is looking at her like she knows she f*cked up and Rach is just like, ‘I don’t know if I can forgive you.’ Kills me.

Julie: I know…I’m a major VivSter gal. Can’t help it.


Julie: I’m an Aster girl in general though. Throw her into anything and I’m game!

ABMFans: Is that an Aster or a Nicole thing?

Julie: I don’t even know…all I do know is that she stole my heart on the first episode. I love Nicole AND Aster. There’s a good answer.

ABMFans: A perfectly valid answer.

Julie: Indeed!

ABMFans: I was Team Aster at the start, completely, but the more I think about it the more I am not so sure whose team I’m on, definitelyTeam VivSter – all the way, but Team Aster. I don’t know. Apart from the obvious, why are you staying on her team?

Julie: Because although what she did was COMPLETELY wrong (kissing Jamie), I can see why she did it. Aster kissing Jamie was not emotional at all. Whereas the kiss between Viv and Sophie is bound to involve something more than just physical attraction. And when you get to that emotional level of liking/loving someone else…that’s where you’re screwed.

ABMFans: That’s what I thought, but I felt like I was just making excuses for Aster’s behaviour. Yes Vivian was wrong (so wrong) for kissing Sophie. However, I don’t think that gives Aster the right to do something she knew would hurt Vivian.

Julie: I completely agree! There’s no way to pick which is worse in this case. Emotional or physical betrayal. They are both awful. I just hope our girls can make up! They have something entirely too special to let go.

ABMFans: A lot of people think that they need time apart, they’re still in High School, they need to see other people. As someone who is younger and is in a long term relationship, what do you think about the people who say they need to be apart?

Julie: We would be married if it was legal in SC. We’re definitely married in our hearts, and that is all that matters to me! I was in a relationship at their age. Between 16 and 19 I was with my first girlfriend. And I can totally see why people would say Aster and Viv need time apart…because at that age you are changing at an alarming rate! But having been there, I think it depends on the relationship. If you love someone with all of your heart, why wait? Life is short. If it’s not going to work out, it won’t work out now or later, so it won’t matter whether you have “time apart” or not. I say go in whole-heartedly and see what happens. You don’t want to regret anything.

ABMFans: And it would mean VivSter stay together, which is what’s important here. Do you think the paid for music video as a revenue generating idea is a good one?

Julie: Definitely! Because if you are a true ABM fan, you won’t mind dishing out $.99 to help our show! And a little money from a lot of people adds up! Great idea.

ABMFans: Did you watch the web-a-thon?

Julie: No, I didn’t unfortunately! That was right when I was getting into the show. I had a lot to catch up on! I wish I would’ve known about ABM sooner!

ABMFans: That’s a shame; there was some good content on the web-a-thon, lots of random stuff about the cast and a lot of charades.

Julie: You’re making me sad that I missed it! I’ll catch the next one for sure 😉 If there is one. ABM has my heart now.

ABMFans: With everything that’s happening with the gay community right now and all of the teen suicides, and everything that’s followed from that like the ‘It Gets Better’ campaign, how important do you think it is to have a show like ABM?

Julie: I can’t even begin to stress the importance of ABM. Being young and gay is NOT easy, trust me! I’ve been there and in the South no less! ABM helps to show that being gay is normal rather than abnormal. Young people will be able to look at this show and see that there are people like them out there! Get on the internet and find us! I will talk to anyone!

ABMFans: I think that’s what I love the most about ABM, it normalises Vivian and Aster’s relationship. It also shows that everyone has issues with identity.

Julie: Definitely!

ABMFans: So you think ABM comes at the right time?

Julie: Oh yeah. We need to help our children, gay and straight, feel good about themselves, feel wanted, feel loved. And the relationship between Viv and Gabe is a great one to depict such things.

ABMFans: So in Season 2, Vivian finally came out to Aunt Jodie, what did you think about those scenes?

Julie: I thought they were too cute! It was like Jodie was more offended that Viv or Gabe hadn’t told her than that of the lesbian issue. Which is how it should be! But people have to realize how hard it is to come out. You face losing someone you care about! And we have to do it over and over throughout our lives! Kinda stinks, but it is what it is.

ABMFans: Did you think Aster was wrong for pressurising Vivian into coming out?

Julie: Yes and no. I can again see both sides. It is frustrating to be “the friend.” Aster shouldn’t have to be! She’s way more important than just a friend, and people should know that. And at the same time, again, coming out is very hard; especially to a family member you have known your entire life.

ABMFans: I agree, Vivian has had to come out again and again since she moved to Westchester. But Aster is right about how she shouldn’t have to play “the friend.” What do you think of the reaction of the other characters when they found out Vivian was gay?

Julie: I loved Archibald’s reaction! He was basically like…why wouldn’t you being a lesbian be cool? I wish more people were like him! The world would be a much better place.

ABMFans: In general I think the world would be a better place if more people were like the ABMers, but yes Archibald is one of my favourites. What about Sophie’s reaction? Do you think that was her just being upset that she no longer knew her childhood friend or was there more to it?

Julie: Definitely hard to tell! I can see where she would be upset as just a friend, because she was trying to get to know Viv again. And without knowing a huge secret like that, you feel like you don’t really know the person. Being gay is a huge part of who I am, and I wouldn’t feel like someone really “knew” me until I told them. But there could have been more to it, like, why didn’t you tell me, I could’ve hit on you weeks ago?!? I honestly think Sophie didn’t even know how to feel about her reaction though.

ABMFans: What are you going to do if Sophie ends up with Vivian next season? I myself plan on sending hate mail to Tina and Susan, and possibly a petition or boycotts or something.

Julie: Well this is an easy one: I plan to date Aster! But seriously? I will be extremely heartbroken and feel like someone just died. Because that’s what would’ve happened, their love died. :( I don’t want to think about it! Hate mail sounds fun though!

ABMFans: I’ll let you know if I need help ;).

Julie: Oh, I’m so down.

ABMFans: I knew I’d like you.

Julie: I am pretty darn awesome. And so are you ;).

ABMFans: Why thank you, and all signs seem to point to yes for you. Apart from Aster, because I see a trend in your answers here, who’s your favourite female character? Doesn’t have to be an ABMer, or it can be an ABMer and someone else.

Julie: Well, yeah Aster would be my pick for fave ABMer. Hmm, my other favourites. Any of Crystal Chappell’s characters, Olivia (GL) & Gina (Venice). Bette from The L Word. I’m realizing my favourites are all hot women.

ABMFans: Well you know, that’s not a bad thing. I’m not familiar with the whole Otalia/Venice thing, but I definitely know Jennifer Beales. And I know Aster too.

Julie: Yes, they are all yummy :) I’m only 21, but most of the women I love in entertainment are in their 40s or 50s. Besides Nicole. Can’t help it.

ABMFans: Who else?

Julie: My girlfriend picks on me all the time for my crush list. I mentioned Crystal and Jennifer. I can’t help but LOVE Meryl Streep. Meryl isn’t even an attractiveness thing though. I just crush on her because…um, she’s Meryl Streep, duh! Pick on me all you want. I can’t help it.

ABMFans: Hey each to their own, for some reason I grew up watching Kramer Vs Kramer – don’t ask me what my parents were doing showing me that film, so I kind of understand the Meryl Streep thing. Did you see the video Crystal did with Rachael?

Julie: Yesss! I was in pure HEAVEN! Both of my favourite web shows colliding! Love it.

ABMFans: They were both up for the Streamy for Best Dramatic Actress in a Webseries this year, I think a lot of people thought that it was going to be between the two of them.

Julie: They are both amazing, what can I say?

ABMFans: No need to convince me, well I don’t know about Crystal yet but I imagine so. Alright, enough of the crushing. Back to your ABM crush. I think Aster is a lot more well behaved in Season 2, compared to the first season, she’s trying so hard not to lose it and be the Aster we saw in the first season (well until the last episode that is), probably a lot to do with seeing Dr Glass. Which Aster did you prefer?

Julie: I like bad girls. I fell for one! But I like the sensitive Aster. We all have room to improve, and therapy is great for anyone. Aster and Vivian might be needing some in the very near future!

ABMFans: Yeah, I like the Aster that doesn’t f*ck up. I like the Vivian that doesn’t f*ck up either. Let’s hope Dr Glass can sort them out.

Julie: For real! Dr. Glass is the shiz.

ABMFans: She is awesome. What do you think of the “adults” on the show?

Julie: I think Gabe and Jodie are great. I love watching Jodie fumble around for words and try so hard with Vivian. She obviously cares for her a great deal! And Gabe is just an awesome dad and hardcore former fire fighter. Basically a superhero! 😉

ABMFans: They are. Do you enjoy their scenes as much as the scenes involving the younger cast members? ABM has a lot of different viewers; do you think its diversity in the characters shown adds to why it’s so popular?

Julie: I like them a lot, but not QUITE as much as the scenes with Aster and Vivian. The diversity of the characters is great and definitely a plus when it comes to gaining viewers. It is representative of the real world: full of different people!

ABMFans: How did I know you would say the Aster and Vivian scenes were your favourite? Favourite VivSter moment.

Julie: Oh my goodness, there are so many. I love the, “I’m with you!” moment. Vivian has some serious balls in that scene! And it shows how Vivian can be the dominant “in charge” one in the relationship. She was taking up for her woman! So freaking cute.

ABMFans: We need more happy moments. Now I have a few, but which VivSter moment had you screaming at your screen (apart from the last scene of Season 2 as I imagine that had everyone screaming)?

Julie: Oh, definitely whenever Aster wanted to go to a club after the party in season one. Umm, girl, your girlfriend came into town to be with YOU, not people at a club! But Aster came around in the end. :)

ABMFans: Yeah but it took her long enough!

Julie: It takes some people longer than others!

ABMFans: Very true. In an ideal world, what are you hoping to see in Season 3? People want drama but I’m voting for some VivSter happiness.

Julie: Definitely VivSter happiness, but not right away. Let their relationship be tested a little bit, have Vivian tempted by Sophie…but then BAM! Vivian is like, what am I doing? And Aster and Vivian are back together, and live happily ever after. The end. And Sophie needs to get her bisexual on and try some stuff out! Get yourself figured out, girl!

ABMFans: I am all for Sophie figuring it out, as long as it’s not with Vivian. She deserves to be happy too.

Julie: Vivian’s heart is Aster’s. Let’s hope. *fingers crossed*

ABMFans: I am crossing everything with you. If you could say anything to the cast, or the creators, what would it be, because you know, rumour is they visit the site?

Julie: Oh man, now I feel the pressure. Naw, I would say THANK YOU for giving us the gift that is ABM! It is a truly magical show. It gives me hope for the future in regards to gay rights. Any exposure to the gay community is of dire importance. And if any of you ever come to SC, hit me up and I will be your tour guide! Thank you thank you thank you sums it up!

ABMFans: No message for Nicole? Or are you afraid you’ll get into trouble?

Julie: My girlfriend is going to read this interview, but I’ll say it anyway because you FORCED ME! Nicole, you are a beautiful woman, amazing actress, and I’m sure an amazing person. Thank you for just being you and add me on facebook because every time I send you a request, it says you are over the limit! Lame! You are entirely too cute. Okay, I’m going to stop. I’m going to get into SO much trouble!

ABMFans: Is your girlfriend an ABM fan?

Julie: No, she’s not. She has her head up Edward Cullen’s butt (she’s bi). There is no room for anything else that isn’t Twilight or vampire related!

ABMFans: I’m kind of Team Edward too.

Julie: Team Alice! Bet you saw that one coming.

ABMFans: Good team. Has she at least watched the show?

Julie: No, isn’t that horrible? But I’ve probably pushed her away from the idea of watching it because I am such an over-the-top fan of it. Just like I can’t really get into Twilight. Because it is all over my house. Can we please make an Aster Barbie to counteract the Edward one in my room?

ABMFans: Did you see the Vivian teddy bear they had for a recent charity auction? So cute. I think there was an Aster bear too.

Julie: Oh my gosh! I need an Aster bear! Build-a-bear, here I come!

ABMFans: I’m still hoping for a picture of it, I want to see what this Aster bear looks like. But yes, definitely need to get more ABM stuff to counteract all the Twilight stuff. And get her watching ABM! You know, just leave it playing one time, people get curious.

Julie: I will try my best! But then that means I’ll have to sit through extra Twilight. I’ll take one for the ABM team, guys! That’s just how I roll.

ABMFans: And that’s why ABM Fans are awesome.

Julie: Precisely!

ABMFans: And I thank you muchly.

Julie: It is totally my pleasure! And anyone reading this interview…get on the ABM Fans message board! We need to get our ABM family more lively!

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