gemified | March 20th, 2012 - 1:00 am

Thank You ABM

By Gemma Jacob

Special thanks to everyone from all over the world who found the time to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone at ABM.

I need to take a few more than three words, and since I’m Editor-in-Chief, I’m going to let myself do just that.

I didn’t have ABM as I was growing up, I wish I had, and I am grateful so many have, and will. Just because I am no longer a teenager does not mean that I have not found my voice in this show. I saw myself in so many of the characters, I think we all did. I have learnt so much about who I am from ABM, and I believe I am continuing to become the person I am supposed to be. I cannot say whether that it is because I have had ABM in my life, but I know that it certainly hasn’t hurt. Watching the show has helped me to challenge stereotypes, it has altered my perspective on life, I see things differently now.

Running this site has been a joy, even staying up late to meet a deadline; I have pushed myself to be better. Some days I may have even succeeded. I look at my life now and I wonder how different things would be if I had not come across this show. There are so many people in my life now who would not be there, and I know I am going to be friends with them for a very long time to come. That is one of the many legacies of this show.

So, to the cast and crew of ABM, I wish I could truly articulate the gratitude I feel. I hope over the years this site has gone some ways to express the sentiment where I have been unable to find the words. I still cannot find them, so instead I shall borrow some, “Whatever way our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine…”

Thank you ABM.

6 Responses to “”

  1. Tina Cesa Ward says:

    amazing. xox

  2. Brooke says:

    Amazing. Thank you for taking the time to put together this. It looked great.

  3. Viviani Zaffani says:

    Tenho 34 anos de idade, somente aos 29 anos foi que eu resolvi sair do armário, desde os 14 anos eu sabia que eu era lésbica, mas guardei isso para mim, foi sofrido mentir para mim mesma por muitos anos, sou de família conservadora, pai severo, mãe religiosa, por isso cresci muito reprimida, mas acredito que se eu tivesse tido a oportunidade de assistir a uma série como ABM, certamente eu não teria me sentido tão solitária e culpada por sentir o que eu sentia por alguém do mesmo sexo que eu. É triste assistir ao último capitulo de ABM, mas sei que essa série cumpriu com o seu papel social, e continuará cumprindo por muitos anos.
    Viviani Zaffani, Brasil.

    Em Inglês: I am 34 years old, only the age of 29 I decided that I was coming out from the 14 years I knew I was gay, but I kept it for me, was suffered to lie to myself for many years, I am conservative family, stern father, religious mother, grew so much pent-up, but I think if I had the opportunity to watch a series like ABM, I certainly would not have felt so lonely and guilty for feeling what I felt for someone the same sex I. It’s sad to watch the final chapter of ABM, but I know that this series has fulfilled its social role, and will continue doing for many years.
    Viviani Zaffani, Brazil

  4. Susan Miller says:

    You had me at the first second. I purposely waited until the end of the day so I could sit with this. And take it in. I will make a thank you in return. Just you wait! But I doubt that it will do what this has done for me. You all move me so!

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